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Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Carrot Paneer Pulao | Lunch Box Kids Recipe| One pot meal!

I prepared this simple pulao for my son and hubby. One likes carrot and one likes paneer, so thought of adding both and preparing. This is easy one pot meal. It was very tasty and both enjoyed the rice.

Serves - 3 -4 persons

Basmati Rice - 3 cups
Carrot - 2 nos grated
Paneer - 25 cubes
Turmeric - 1/2 tspn
Kitchen king masala - 3 tspns
Garam masala - 1 tspn
Green chilli - 2nos (as per your taste)
Onion - 2 nos (thin slices)
Ginger garlic - 1 tspn
Milk - 1/2 cup
Oil - 2 tblspns
Cardamom and cinamom - 2pieces
Salt as required
Fresh Methi/Fenugreek leaves/Venthaya keerai - handful(Optional)

Preparation Method
Wash and soak basmati rice.
Keep paneer at room temperature. (Thaw the paneer)
Heat a pressure cooker, put oil, add spices, add onions, g chilli and ginger garlic. saute till onions are transparant.
Add grated carrots and saute for 5mins. Add all masala powders and salt.
Mix well and cook for few mins.
Add basmati rice, 5 cups water and milk.
Add salt and allow to boil.
Add paneer cubes and mix.
Add methi leaves and mix
Close the lid and pressure cook for 2 whistles.

Serve hot/warm with Yogurt/Curd/ Onion Raitha.

Friday, January 4, 2013

Veggie/Fruit a month - Capsicum/Bell Pepper | Event Announcement and Happy New Year 2013!

Hi Friends,

Hope you all had a great start this year. Wish you all a very Happy and Prosperous New Year 2013.

This is my first post of the year. 
I am guest hosting Priya's Event Veggie/Fruit a month- Capsicum/Bell Pepper this month. I would like to thank Priya for giving me an opportunity to host her event.


Rules :

1. Post a  vegetarian recipe using Capsicum as the main vegetable.  (No eggs allowed) between Jan 1st to Jan 31st 2013.

2. Link your entries to this announcement and Priya's event announcement page. Logo is mandatory as it helps spread word.
3. Only new entries are allowed. No archives.
4. Link your entries below. If you have any issues mail me at
5. Non-bloggers are welcome to send in their recipes. Send recipe in full with the picture and the same subject line as above.

Hoping to receive your support and delicious recipes.

Have any questions feel free to mail me at

Saraswathi Iyer

Friday, November 30, 2012

Ragi Mudde / Finger Millet Balls from Mom's Kitchen

In my previous post I had mentioned about Ragi Mudde. It is very healthy and filling. This is the staple food of farmers in villages.

We prepare this weekly once at home as its good for health. Today my mom and me prepared this.

Ragi flour - 2 cups
Warm water - as required
Oil - 2 tspns
Cooked/steamed rice - 1/2 cup

Preparation Method
Heat 2 to 3 cups of water in a vessel. Remove some water and keep aside. Add cooked red rice about 1/2 cup. Add oil. Add the flour to it and add salt. let it cook for 20 mins. Then stir continuously with a ladle or a wooden stick which is usually used until the flour absorbs all the water. Remove from the fire allow it to cool a bit and mix again for form a soft dough.

Then take little bit by hand and make small balls using water.

Ragi Mudde is ready to serve.

How to eat this - Take small portion and dip in sambar and swallow it. Do not bite or chew.

This can be served with Avarekalu Saru or Onion Sambar.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Homemade Mixture | Diwali Savoury Recipe !

Mixture is a very tempting snack, I prepared this for diwali. I have already posted Aval Pori Masala Mix here. This is very tasty and crunchy.

Omapodi - 1 cup (click here for recipe)
Ribbon Pakoda - 1/2 cup (click here for recipe)
Mullu Murukku - 2nos crushed (click here for recipe)
Karaboondi - 1 cup(click here for recipe)
Thatai - 2nos crushed

To Deep Fry
Roasted or Fried Groundnuts - 1 tablespoon
Potukadalai/Fried gram - 1 tablespoon
Aval - 2 cups thin
Curry leaves - few
Copra - 1 tablespoon(chopped thinly)
Mochai - 1 tspn
Cashews/Almonds /Walnuts- few
Cornflakes/Chivda - 1/2 cup(Optional)

Powdered Sugar - 1/2 tspn
Turmeric - a pinch(optional)
Red chilli powder - 1/2 tspn 
Hing -1/4 tspn
Raisins - few
Potato sticks  1 cup(Optional)
Oil for deep frying and a metal seive with handle.

Preparation Method
Heat a kadai with oil. When oil is hot, deep fry ingredients above separately. Take this on a tissue paper to remove excess oil and then transfer to a wide vessel, sprinkle salt, hing, turmeric, red chilli powder and mix well. Add rest of the ingredients and mix.

Finally add powdered sugar and mix. I love this with potato sticks.

Store it in a airtight container for later use.

Homemade Mixture is ready.

Enjoy with Hot Coffee/Tea or with sambar rice or rasam rice.

Notes - You can also deep fry potato sticks and add.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Rose Sandesh | Bengali Sweet for this Diwali!

I had posted how to make Sandesh previously. I used the same method and prepared Rose Sandesh.

Check out How to make  Fresh Homemade Chena/Paneer


Chena/Fresh Paneer- 2 to 3 cups(It should be definetly homemade and fresh) Click here for recipe
Sugar - 1 cup
Rose Essence  1 tspn
Rose Syrup  1 tspn
Milk - 1/2 tablespoon

Do checkout a detailed post on Sandesh here.

Off the stove at this consistency. Allow it to cool.

Add milk, rose essence, rose syrup and knead. Make small balls or desired shapes.

Preparation Method
Powder sugar in mixie. Add the fresh chena to it and grind to smooth paste.
Heat a kadai, add the ground mixture. Keep stirring until its thick and slight colour change. Off the stove.
Allow it to cool.
Once its cool add 1 tblspn milk, rose essence, rose syrup and kneed to smooth dough.
Slowly take small portions and make small balls or into any shape you need. Store in air tight container.
Let it sit for an hour in fridge before your serving.

I could make around 15 nos of medium size.

I also prepared a combo is plain with rose sandesh and it was delicious.

Take small ball of plain sandesh and cover it with rose sandesh.

Shelf life - This will stay for about a week if refrigerated.

Rose Sandesh is ready to serve.

Serve it chilled.

Deepavali Sweets & Savory Recipes at one click!

List of Deepavali Recipes

Choose your dish and click on it. Do try this Deepavali/Diwali and let us know. 

Sorakkai Rava Ladoo
Dumroot/Pumpkin Halwa
Gulab Jamun
Mini Jangiri
Badam Puri
Maida Burfi

PS - Your feedback is appreciated. Do try recipe from ( a picture and send it to me through Facebook message or mail me at Will be glad to add in my page Tried & Tasted album on FB or post on my page. Do follow me on Instagram id - saraswathiyer for more food stories and recipe ideas.

Thank you. 

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Methi Paneer Rice | Lunch Box Special!

I had prepared Scrambled Methi Paneer here, I prepared the same other day with paneer cubes. So mixed with rice and it was delicious lunch box recipe.

Scrambled Methi Paneer - 2 cups (for recipe click here)
Cooked Rice - as required

Mix all the above and leave for an hour.

Enjoy at lunch or pack for lunch box.

Notes - Adjust spice levels accordingly while mixing rice. Add can add saute paneer cubes.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Pasi Paruppu | Moong Dal Sundal!

Today I have prepared Pasi Paruppu/Moong Dal Sundal for Navaratri Prasadam.

Pasi Paruppu/Moong Dal - 2 cups
Fresh Grated Coconut - 1/2 cup
Oil - 1 tblspn
Mustard - 1/4 tspn
Asafotida - 1/4 tspn
Urad Dal - 1/2 tspn
Green Chilli - 2nos

Curry leaves

Preparation Method
Wash, rinse and soak dal for 10 mins and pressure cook for 1 whistle.
Heat a kadai, add oil, mustard, urad dal, chilli and curry leaves. Saute till dal is brown. 
Add the cooked dal, salt and mix.
Finally add coconut and mix well. Off the Stove.

Serve as Prasadam and Enjoy with Hot Filter Coffee.

Notes - Do not soak for more time and do not pressure cook as the dal will be mashy like paste.

This recipe is going to Priya's Navaratri Event and Giveaway.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Simple Veggie Aval Upma with Leftover curry | Lunch Box Spl

This tiffin I prepared for evening with leftover curry. It was quick and tasty dish.

Leftover curry - 1 cup(For choice of poriyal click here.)
Aval/Poha - 3 cups
Onion - 1 no
Green chilli - 1no
Oil - 1/2 tspn
Curry leaves few
Turmeric powder - a pinch.

Preparation Method
Wash and rinse aval in water.
Heat a kadai, add oil and onion. Saute for few minutes.
Add the curry and saute for few mins.
Add the Aval/poha and saute.
Add a pinch of salt. Mix well and off the stove.

Delicious Veggie Aval Upma is ready. Enjoy with Hot Coffee.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Scrambled Methi Paneer!

Me and my son loves Paneer and any dish prepared with it. I wanted to make something different and quick so tried this, as I had fresh methi leaves, Scrambled Methi Paneer is very easy and a good sidedish for chapathi or parantha stuffing. The aroma was very good.

Hope you like it.

Serves - 1 -2 person

Paneer/Cottage Cheese - 20 cubes
Fresh Methi leaves/Venthaya Keerai/Fenugreek leaves - 1/2 cup
Pudina leaves/Mint - 1/4 cup
Onion - 1 no
Garam Masala - 1/2 tspn
Bisibelebath powder- 1 tspn(I used MTR)- Optional but I have used it.
Turmeric powder - 1/4 tspn
Chat masala - a pinch
Green chilli - 2nos(optional)
Oil - 1 tablespoon

Preparation Method
Scramble paneer and keep it.
Chop onion, g. chilli, methi and pudina finely.
Heat a kadai/wok, add oil onion and saute for few mins.
Now add the leaves and saute till the onions are turning brown.
Add paneer, salt, turmeric, garam masala, bisibelebath powder and mix well.
Let it cook well and combine.
Sprinkle chat masala and off the stove.

Serve hot with phulkas/chapathis.

Notes - If you want to prepare for more persons, increase the ingredients accordingly.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Quick Fix Indian by Ruth Kahate A Cookbook Review

This is the first time I am reviewing a cookbook. The author is Ruth Kahate.

The book has lot of Indian Vegetarian and Non vegetarian recipes, which is simple and easy in 30 mins.

Loved the book and hope you enjoy making the recipes.

Loved this Baby potato in green masala recipe.


Saturday, August 18, 2012

Onam Recipes | Festival Menu!

Onam Sadya Recipes from Sara's Corner. Please click on the names for recipes.Do try and share your feedback

Palapazham Payasam

Unniappam or Banana Appam

Vegetable Sambar


Puli Inji

Mathan Pachadi






Ada pradaman /Chakka pradaman 

Vendakai /Pineapple pachadi

Happy Onam to friends celebrating!


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