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Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Bread Upma - Type 1

Bread upma is another quick and easy yet tasty dish looks very colourful.

Bread slices - 8nos
Tomato - 1no
Onion - 2 nos
Green chilli - 2 nos
Mustard - 1 tspn
Cumin(Jeera) - 1 tspn
Oil - 4 tspns
Ghee - 1 tspn
Chopped coriander leaves - 2 tspns
Water - 1 cup

Preparation Method
Cut bread into med small pieces. I have not removed the sides.
In a Kadai, add 2 tspns oil and ghee toast bread pieces for 5mins.
Transfer it to a bowl.
Cut onion and tomato into long pieces.
In the same kadai add oil, mustard and wait till it spulters.
Now add cumin and saute
Add green chilli and onion saute till brown
Now add tomato and saute till its soft
Add water, salt and saute.
Finally add bread pieces and mix well for few mins
Garnish with coriander leaves

Serve hot....

This recipe is going to ONLY COOKING WITH BREAD RECIPES by Pari.


Prema on March 1, 2011 at 9:55 PM said...

Delicious uppma,perfect for the event...

kalasivakumar on March 2, 2011 at 3:12 PM said...

nice recipe...

Sanyukta Gour(Bayes) on March 5, 2011 at 4:11 AM said...

yummy upma with lovely presentation....mouthwatering...

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